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Our Males

Storm Von Holtzapple CGC TKN

Hips: 0.23 (Excellent)
Elbows: Normal
DM Clear

Storm is a stunning solid black long coat working line German Shepherd. Storm is a high drive dog, who is very eager to please. He is very loyal to his family and aloof with outsiders. He prefers to interact with dogs that are in his pack. Storm has his hip and elbow testing done along with a full embark panel where he was cleared for 195 genetic diseases including DM. After much thought we have decided to keep Storm as a pet dog only. He will not be used for breeding purposes. 

Studs Used

We do not own the males below. These males are studs that have been used to sire our litters.


SG Aaligator Von Skorpionenblut BH IPO1

Hips A Elbows 0/1
DM Carrier not effected

Sire to our A & B litter

Von Willow German Shepherds

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